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New site layout?

Last posted Sep 16, 2024 at 07:44PM EDT. Added Apr 11, 2024 at 08:41PM EDT
288 posts from 149 users

Speaking of that. I wish history classes AND LITERALLY EVERYONE could talk about how Hitler REALLY SAW SLAVS AS INFERIORS and show how many Slavs fell for Hitler's ideas back in 1930s and WW2. Even if this was all because of Bolsheviks, it didn't mean Hitler had to view Slavs as Nazis. Only reason why he worked for some because he didn't see them as inferiors.

Even Slavs died in Holocaust which was documented enough to prove Nazis were genocidal hypocrites.
It's not enough to mention Auschwitz because there were other camps as well. And one of them had only 70 survivors and over 200000 people dead!

Also, Europa The Final Battle is TOO LONG and one of clips was literally "iTz Le AlYz HoO wEr Le racists."

Also also, I used to find it dumb how people would complain about Christianity by taking verses from only Old Testament as if Torah didn't exist. Torah is a Jewish book that has verses from The Old Testament.

That's enough of writing for today. I took a break from studying and felt like peeking at the site.

FatmanAss wrote:

Speaking of that. I wish history classes AND LITERALLY EVERYONE could talk about how Hitler REALLY SAW SLAVS AS INFERIORS and show how many Slavs fell for Hitler's ideas back in 1930s and WW2. Even if this was all because of Bolsheviks, it didn't mean Hitler had to view Slavs as Nazis. Only reason why he worked for some because he didn't see them as inferiors.

Even Slavs died in Holocaust which was documented enough to prove Nazis were genocidal hypocrites.
It's not enough to mention Auschwitz because there were other camps as well. And one of them had only 70 survivors and over 200000 people dead!

Also, Europa The Final Battle is TOO LONG and one of clips was literally "iTz Le AlYz HoO wEr Le racists."

Also also, I used to find it dumb how people would complain about Christianity by taking verses from only Old Testament as if Torah didn't exist. Torah is a Jewish book that has verses from The Old Testament.

That's enough of writing for today. I took a break from studying and felt like peeking at the site.

not sure what all that has to do with this website degrading before our eyes

blank profile pic wrote:

not sure what all that has to do with this website degrading before our eyes

sorry, bro. wanted to post this to vent thread. i am too lazy to copy-paste this so yeah…

malerfique wrote:

click in the settings on ''old site''' to have a site that works perfectly

Oh, by the way, I got the UI forced AGAIN on my laptop today. And would you guess the newest bullshit? When I went there to click on Old Site, the page wouldn't fucking scroll. So I had no choice but to go on the Hey I've Seen This One entry to get rid of the garbage. You read that right: the official way to get back to the old UI was unreachable, and so I had to use a bug instead.
If that's a mistake from the programmers, it's a pathetic display of incompetence. If, heavens forbid, it has been implemented on purpose, it's downright sickening. Either way, they should fix it ASAP before embarrassing themselves even further.

Image galleries are still broken and borderline unusuable.

Anything after the first page opens in a new tab when you click it instead of showing a preview like it's supposed to and there's still huge gaps everywhere. Not to mention that it will just randomly stop loading new pages when scrolling, preventing you from seeing anymore images.

Fiftytwo144 wrote:

It keeps coming back and even if you switch, the gallery is all screwed up, like Triplem mentioned.

Heres a video version of getting the old site back:

But it still doesn't help cause trending images gets all screwed up and opens new tabs/windows after 20

They are doing both of these on purpose. I assure you. They attempt to get you onto their new site, but people don't want it. So, to punish them, they make changes to the old site. That's the only explanation that makes any sense to me.

Sometimes when I upvote something I get that one message about doing it twice within 8 seconds, even when I haven't voted anything else at all.
Not sure if that's an actual glitch or if I'm just imagining it.

Every.single.time I hit the "o" key in the concord entry ,wheter I am typing a comment or not, for some fucking reason I am sent to the concord gallery without fail, this doesnt happen to me in ANY other entry I've tested this in, I dont even know if its even related to the layout (I have my reasons to suspect it might, given this is a brand new Issue I've never seen before personally) but I feel like I needed to say this somewhere … so here it is.

Back yet again and my opinion hasn't changed at all with how fucking ass the layout looks. Absolutely fuming how every little spot of it is indistinguishable from another and makes it worse to navigate in every way.

I press the letter "y" while typing a comment and I am sent to the gallery. Not only am I sent to the gallery, but I'm sent to the gallery in a way that forces me to right-click the back arrow several times to escape the gallery, in a way that I typically don't see outside of malware-peddling hellholes.

Please, whoever is in upper management and is asking for an update to the site: we don't want that. You don't want that. Nobody wants that. Look to--and I can't believe I'm saying this--the example of Tumblr. Win by doing nothing.

Its hilarious how every single new layout has been nothing but a failure. Did anyone working on this site take any UI design?

You DO NOT start a page out forcing users to scroll down. When I click a link to a news site they don't have the headline display useless information above the headline or PROTIPS (which these PROTIPS currently do not disable when commenting because your coder is a retard) and they to not line the entire bottom of the page with unrelated images. Do you understand what the term "First-time user experience"? Because theyre not going to see any text related to a page. You have to lead them down to scroll.

If you noticed something from these complaints above PEOPLE ARE ACTIVELY INGORING THE "PROTIPS" LINES BECAUSE IT IS USELESS INFORMATION. They do not understand why typing random letters is doing something they DO NOT WANT. I was scrolling a page and I accidentally hit the letter i, WHOOPS guess I'm redirected to the image gallery, also HAHA the idiot that coded this feature didn't disable PROTIP while the comment box is open. Protip: This is why you never do single keystrokes, this problem was solved 20 years ago. Does anyone working on this terrible redesign understand anything?

The last major problem, why do you have to scroll and UNREASONABLE LONG TIME to get to the comment section? Then you have to click a button to open it. WHY? Every other website, including the shitty ones always have comments at the end of the article. Are you actively attempting to dissuade comments? No what youre trying to do is purge the comments of its current userbase in hopes on reimplementing a useable comment section that a modern audience will use and not the 2010's userbase you're stuck with. Its obvious you're trying to hide comments but you won't gain a new audience when your new layout is so terrible that people will click a youtube video over a page that starts off by not explaining anything until you scroll down a fourth into the entire page.

KYM's last failed redesign was bad, and you learned nothing from it. Also you have people that have lied, or have zero clue what their doing.

Last edited Sep 01, 2024 at 09:57PM EDT

Nigel the treasure hunter wrote:

KYM was for a decade my go-to social medium to lurk. Alas, the new layout is insufferable and makes browsing uninviting. A pity, but all good things must come to an end.

A menu at the top of the new layout pages features an option to go back to the old layout.

baldarek wrote:

I don't know how the new design looks on desktop, since it's still showing the old design for me.

But I just got it on mobile, and boy am I glad to be able to see notes, tags, and next/previous buttons on image pages again (remember how they removed this basic functionality from the old design on mobile like 8 years ago for no reason?)

Well, now I know how it looks on desktop: not good.

Ok, it's back to me now. Before I switch back to the old format using Saber THE Totodile's instructions (thank you, thou art a lady/gentleman and a scholar), let's see if any of my grievances have been fixed.

- Hyperlinks in comments are indistinguishable from regular text: STILL THERE
- Can't vote on images or see the votes already there without going onto their page: STILL THERE
- upvotes don't seem to register on images: FIXED
- Images appear to have a phantom comment that doesn't exist. Possibly meme entries too: STILL THERE
- Sorting photos by High Score doesn't work yet all the other options do: STILL THERE
- New arrow buttons meant to go between images:
– useless since I want to see a thumbnail to tell what image I'm going to: STILL THERE
– counter intuitive as they assign Left to older images and Right to newer ones, disregarding their placement on the page: FIXED
– do not discriminate between regular images and NSFW/Spoilers, they don't even give a warning. STILL THERE
- Upvoting comments doesn't work any more, producing a 404 error: FIXED

Among all of these I've noticed two new problems:
- The spoiler label doesn't seem to be working, displaying the images plain as day in the galleries.
- I find the page I'm on sometimes randomly changes to another despite me not clicking on anything. I found this when trying to comment on an image.

I was about to say the layout now technically works after they fixed the comments, but those two new issues changed that. If you can't mark spoilers or stay on the correct page that's more than just frustrating.
Switching back to the old layout.

FatmanAss wrote:

There must be an option to switch to old layout.

Click on the 3 bars on the top right, scroll down, and then click on "OLD SITE" when you see it.

I can confirm this works for both my laptop and phone.

FatmanAss wrote:


Glad I'm not the only one who experienced this; I thought for a moment I accidentality pressed the touch pad on my laptop. One facet of my irl job is website testing and it's good to hear this error isn't just on my end.

Do as Yangy and Saber THE Totodile say and you should be able to switch back.

I haven't read this whole thread, so this may have come up before. I'm willing to adapt to the new layout, I don't really mind. My issue comes with viewing galleries. Before, when you loaded a portion of a gallery, you could click the first image and use the left arrow to go to the bottom of what's been loaded, and that was kind of my preferred way to do things, oldest to newest. Secondly, images in the gallery view previously showed how many comments there were, and now they don't. I liked having that number to see how much discussion was going on, as if I didn't have a personal comment to add on the image, it let me see if there was a discussion that I might weigh in on. Because I default back to the old version of the site, I don't know if there are other issues with the new layout that would bother me, but that's my two cents

I see that more features are being broken on the old site now, so we have a mixture of broken new and old sites. In addition to infinite scroll and previewer being broken, the search engine now also no longer works.

Once again, I'm not fond of the new site, but by and large the biggest problem I have with the new site is the fact that it doesn't work right. Comments need to work right, images need to work right, galleries need to work correctly -- aka basic functionality we had.

Pyroniusburn wrote:

I'm getting hit with the new layout all of a sudden, gonna be coming here a lot less unless it fucks off on its own.

Select the hamburger/3 bars on the right, scroll down, select "old site" and you can get the old site back. Until they change it.

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