Phonetic Translations
Phonetic Translation is the practice of transcribing foreign lyrics into another language by their proximity in phonetics, mainly for comedic effect. Literal Music Videos are similar in form, but instead use newly recorded audio to interpret the visuals of the video.
Advice Dog
Advice Dog is an image macro series featuring a a cute puppy's face against a color-wheel background, usually accompanied by unrelated advices and ridiculous instructions (EX: Do the Laundry / Rob a Bank). Since its debut on 4chan's /b/ in 2006, the series has spawned several spin-offs, most notably the Philosoraptor, Courage Wolf and Socially Awkward Penguin.
Balloon Boy
Ballon Boy is the nickname given to Falcon Heene, a 6 year-old boy who reportedly climbed into a helium-filled balloon which was meant to hover only 20 feet above the ground, but took off.
Autotune (feat. Weird Al Yankovic)
Auto-Tune is an automated pitch-correction and audio-processing software developed by Antares Audio Technologies in 1997. While the technology has been silently at work behind various hits for over a decade, it was introduced to larger audiences after the breakout of rapper, singer and producer T-Pain, who experimented heavily with auto-tune effect in his albums.
Where the Hell is Matt?
Where the Hell is Matt? (aka "Dancing Matt") is a viral video series featuring Matt Harding dancing in front of famous landmarks and sightseeing spots around the world.
Get Down
Get Down is a series of stop-motion dance videos mimicking a software glitch in the Nintendo 64 game Goldeneye 007, wherein the characters would suddenly spaz out if the game cartridge was only partially attached to the console.
David After Dentist
David After Dentist is a viral video of an eight year old boy dwelling on heavy thoughts on his way home from the dentist's office. Sedated and super confused, David's aww-some ranting in the backseat of his dad's van became one of the most watched videos on YouTube.
Bubb Rubb
Bubb Rubb is a Bay Area resident who appeared in a local news segment on the growing trend of “whistle tips,” a custom-modified exhaust pipe that generates deafening sounds of whistles during motor operation.
Weegee is a photoshop meme based on the avatar of Luigi. Placing Weegee in an image creates awkward situations and a sense of discomfort.
Three Wolf Moon
Three Wolf Moon is the name of a “power animal” t-shirt that was ironically made into one of the top selling apparel items on Amazon in 2009, thanks to thousands of internet users who hyped it up with hilarious, tongue-in-cheek customer reviews. Befitting its widespread reputation, the shirt is so virile and mesmerizing that you probably shouldn't look at it in a direct angle.
Keyboard Cat
Keyboard Cat is the "shot caller" of most epic FAILs on the Internet. If you find yourself fencing on the edge of ugly misfortune, you can rest assured Keyboard Cat will come to rescue and "play you off" before things hit rock bottom!
Creepy Chan
Allison Harvard, also known as Creepy Chan, is an Amercan artist/model who garnered= attention for her ghastly portraits on the imageboard site 4chan.